Farewell pt . 1

I know I've said some bad things about my Uncle.

I know. How cliche.

I want to make a tribute but I don't know him that well to make this one.

My Uncle died just 5 days ago. It all happened so fast like a blur. 

I'm not going into details but let me tell you a bit of backstory.

Last month in the 3rd week of July, he was arrested and incarcerated.
The arrest went down at their home - Grandma's house. 
There was a scuffle, shouts were heard and we were too late witness - 
they had him quickly.

Immediately after that, Grandma was inconsolable.
We were informed that she had a small part in the scuffle
and was trying to get the police from arresting her son.
All throughout the next day, she was crying and 
was calling out to Uncle. Her tantrums were childlike.

Owing to her forgetfulness, the tears were shed for the day
and was forgotten the next. And to put it simply,
she forgot the whole arrest ever happened.

Now after that, she was asking for Uncle.
Where is he? Why isn't he home yet?
Did he go to a relative again?

We all decided not to tell her, seeing how she behaved
after that fateful day. We lied and told her Uncle was called to work overseas 
and had to leave immediately without having to say goodbye.
The lie was believed and Grandma was relieved
to know that Uncle finally had work.
This, despite instances where she is curious as to why
Uncle's luggage was still around at home.

As a 3rd world country, judicial systems are rarely swift.
Last week Uncle had already spent a month in police custody.
This, without having been tried or even had a case filed against him.

Visiting him to bring food became problematic.
You see, local jail systems are inept about taking care of their inmates,
and it has been universally known, that most incarcerated people in there do not eat well or sleep well, staying in cramped up cells that barely holds minimum.
So relatives visiting to bring food was normal.

But you must remember, this all happened during a pandemic
and the whole country is still in quarantine.
Visiting became problematic because there were now
strict protocols to follow in going out in public.
Especially with my Mom, who was apt for the chore, 
because she was already categorized as a senior citizen.
And senior citizens were not allowed to go out.
Ultimately the chore was shared with Uncle's children.
He does have grown adult offspring.

Just 6 days ago, however, my mother was alerted by police
that Uncle was taken by an ambulance because he "fainted".
But because recent protocols prohibited persons like my Mom
to go out and it was past curfew, 
she alerted Uncle's children who immediately ran to their father's side.
It was getting late and we were informed that 3 hospitals
had rejected to admit Uncle because there's no room due to COVID-19 cases.
His children were forbidden to get closer because of fear of contamination.
Apparently the police station where he was held already reported
4 persons from inside who died from COVID-19.
He was finally admitted on the 5th hospital he was taken to,
but doctors were vexed that it took too long and the patient is near death.
The accommodating police explained that they had to have permission
to get the person in custody anywhere which took immense time.
Uncle was intubated and put in isolation near midnight.
His children waited while lamenting the fact that they cannot get near to see their father.
At dawn, one of them informed us that Uncle passed away.
