
We have known this as well as his drug use.
He had been jailed for it, even.
And it was not a pleasant time for the family.
Grandma cried a whole lot. Uncle's children cried.
We were dismayed. We worried for him.
All sorts of feelings.
The family did everything to get him out, bailed him out.
Grandma took all her money for his bail. It took time.
It was a hefty amount, our country have strict drug policies.
I have no idea if Uncle begged to be let out.
I did not go to visit him.
He has long been out of my list of adorable relatives.
Even if he is the only sibling to my mother.
As with all siblings, they fight.
But adults fight on adult problems,
and adult problems are never easy.
Lately his arguments are petty and not even considerable answering to.
It adds on the dismay. Even his kids are dismayed.
And his behavior is as much as you would expect a user would behave.
Despite his jail time, his behavior clearly suggests that he has been using again.
More dismay. Do we even have more words for dismay?
Sadly, for our part, you can't choose your family.
The family can't trust his words now. Lies, lies and more lies.
Even other relatives can see something wrong with him.
But despite all these, Grandma still chooses him.
Still chooses to stay with him.
It upsets me. And clearly Grandma forgot what a disgrace it had been.
Sometimes her Alzheimer's is a curse. Sometimes a blessing.
I can only pray for my Uncle.
Not that I pray often.
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